Angol fordítói verseny

Angol fordítói verseny

2019. április 03.

ELTE TÓK, 1126 Budapest, Kiss János altb. u. 40.


2019. április 03. -

ELTE TÓK, 1126 Budapest, Kiss János altb. u. 40.

English Translation Competition

Do you like challenges? Is language your thing? Submit your translation of an excerpt from Mary Doria Russell's sci-fi novel, The Sparrow, and see what the text sounds like in Hungarian!
Deadline: March 29, 2019

Place: Room 125, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature

Instructor: Maya Lo Bello

Please hand in your translation in an envelope. Submissions must be anonymous: please write your "code name" on your translation.

The competition results will be announced April 3, 2019 at the Drama Afternoon, 2 P.M.