General information for students

General information for students

Dear Students!

According to the briefing published on 20 January 2022 by ELTE Epidemiological Operative Coordinating Body (JOKT) and the I/2022. (I.20.) decision of the Dean of Faculty of Humanities, the education begins online in the spring semester of 2021/22. Based on the current pandemic information during the semester, the managmenet may decide on changing the online for offline education. Until 25 February 2022, any permits for offline education will be rejected.

Since most of the university citizens are vaccinated, the University hopes the fifth wave will not affect our community as seriously as the national tendency, and it will not influence the second half of the semester. This way, 3 weeks after the start of the semester, the education may change from online for offline. The University will publish a briefing about the date of change, and give a week of preparation time for the affected citizens. There is no special absence policy, and the dormitories also operate as normally. Internships can be continued offline if the place allows the presence.

The JOKT strongly recommends for all University Citizens and university applicants to take the opportunity to be vaccinated.