New course on the block for primary and pre-school students

New course on the block for primary and pre-school students

Name: Intercultural studies in English (Intercultural Communication)

Lecturer: Prof. Trentinné Éva Benkő

Neptun code: SZABV202

This course on intercultural communication is intended for Erasmus students and Hungarian native speakers to work in cooperation to achieve shared goals. The course aims to give students an understanding of the complexities of communicating with people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The course will focus on getting to know each other's culture, both big "C" culture and small "c" culture, including habits, traditions, and high and low culture. Throughout the course, students will have the opportunity to explore their own cultural identities and reflect on how culture shapes communication. Students will be invited to learn about diversity and experience the importance of respecting and appreciating similarities and differences. The course will also examine stereotypes and biases and how to challenge them, offering various perspectives on intercultural communication. The course will encourage participants to support inclusion and acquire intercultural competencies. Students will engage in various interactive learning activities, including discussions, debates, scenarios, role-playing, drama games, presentations, videos, field trips and group projects. The course will help students appreciate different cultures, be open-minded, make new friends and build positive relationships across cultures. By the end of the course, students will be better equipped with the intercultural competencies needed to succeed in a globalised world.

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