Department of Hungarian Language and Literature

Department of Hungarian Language and Literature

Department of Hungarian Language and Literature


Phone number: +36 1 487-8121


Hungarian homepage

The Department’s Main Professional Activities

Teaching activities:

The realization of courses in

  • the BA-level training of future pre-school and elementary school teachers
  • postgraduate training
  • further and special professional trainings.

The following subjects are taught by our Department: Literature and the related fields of arts, Hungarian language, Sociolinguistics, Language in practice, Rhetoric, The Improvement of Oral Competence, Introduction of Studies and Interpretation of the Arts; Introduction to General Linguistics and Semiotics, Introduction to Socio- and Psycholinguistics, Introduction to Pedagogy of the Hungarian language, Subject Pedagogy, Stylistics, Poetics, The History of Literature, Children and Young Adult Literature, Contemporary Literature, The Current Technical Background and Structure of Radio and Television Broadcasting, The History of the Media and Its Connected Techniques, Programme Edition, The Technical Bases of Making Programmes, Techniques of Oral Presentation, The Theory of Communication, Literary Theory and Children’s Literature.

Research activities:

  • Hungarian contemporary literature from the 1960s; changes in literary genres of the Hungarian novel from the 1960s
  • Literary history as the history of literary genres
  • Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies
  • The contact points of linguistics, literary theory, the theory of communication and stylistics
  • The political roots and aesthetic references of francophone literature
  • The analysis of children’s literature from the Slovakian language area, with special attention to methodological questions in connection with the elementary education system of Hungary
  • The development of native language competence in nursery schools
  • Literature; education in native language and its methodology; philosophical aesthetics; Literature and aesthetics
  • Contemporary Hungarian and world literature; literature and the related fields of arts
  • The education in connection with the native language and literature; analysis of modern literature (psalms and modern poetry)
  • The methodology of the development of native language competence; options for the therapy of speech disorders in childhood
  • Children’s literature and its methodology; dramatic games in pre-schools
  • The education of adult people; HR management; organization development; the theory of management
  • Linguistic games and exercises; drama pedagogy; the prevention of dyslexia
  • The development of the oral competence of native language, with special attention to the essential role of linguistic games
  • Descriptive Hungarian grammar
  • The teaching of literature and related fields of the arts (with a focus on the first half of the 20th century)
  • The improvement of oral competence and correct language usage (the improvement of language competence; orthology)
  • History of onomatology; cognitive semantics; research of gossip; micro-history
  • The subject pedagogy of native language; the theoretical bases and practical methods of text comprehension; reading strategies; alternative ways of teaching reading; the prevention of dyslexia
  • Rhetoric
  • Cultivation of language
  • Semiotics Additional activities:
  • active participation in the formation of training in accordance with the Bologna process
  • active participation in national and international application programmes:
    • Socrates Erasmus student and staff mobility
    • HEFOP: The development of the content and structure of teachers’ training
  • active participation in the management of students’ research and additional activities (contests of creative writing, oral presentation of poems and prose, orthology; publication and presentation; training and employment of professor’s (under)graduate assistants)
  • active participation in the realization of different national and international conferences and professional events; regular publication in national and international periodicals and books; membership in different associations




E-mail contact

Main professional fields and special activities/interests

Dr. Ádám PÖLCZ PhD Senior lecturer, Head of Department

Main fields: Descriptive grammar, rhetoric, speech cultivation, language cultivation, orthography, applied linguistics


Research: The rhetorical roots of language cultivation, semiotics in everyday life, stylistics, classical and modern rhetoric in the 21st century, pragmatics, the history of grammar education


Special interests: Liturgical music, Hungarian literature, Recitation of poems, The philosophy of language



Associate Professor

Main fields: The improvement

of oral competence; contemporary literature


Research: The political roots and aesthetic references of francophone literature; the analysis of children’s literature from the Slovak language area with special attention to the methodological questions in connection with the elementary education system of Hungary; the development of native language competence in nursery schools


Special interests: The ethnography and history of minority folklore; nineteenth-

century literature

Dr. Gabriella DARÓCZI PhD

Senior Lecturer

Main fields: Children’s literature

and its methodology


Research:                        Literature; education in native language and its methodology; philosophical aesthetics; literature and aesthetics


Special interests:

Advertising; psychology


Senior Lecturer

Main fields: Hungarian descriptive grammar, contemporary literature


Research: Syntax of Hungarian language, interspersing clauses in Hungarian, complex sentences


Special interests: Writing

book reviews


Senior Lecturer

Main     fields: Subject pedagogy of Hungarian


Research: Education in connection with native language and literature; analysis of modern literature (psalms and modern poetry)


Special interests: Post- modern literary theory; literature and related fields of

the arts

Dr. Andrea GÖNCZÖL


Senior Lecturer

Main fields: The methodology

of native language education; children’s literature and its methodology


Research: The methodology of the development of native language competence; options for therapy of speech disorders in childhood; children’s literature and its methodology; dramatic games in pre-schools


Special interests: Drama pedagogy; The history of old Hungarian literature; Dialogue literature in the 17th-18th century in Transylvania; The development of native language competence in nursery schools

Dr. Márton HOVÁNYI


Senior Lecturer

Main fields: Literary and cultural studies, Catholic theology, rhetoric



Modern and contemporary Hungarian literature, literary theory, the theology of desire, the relationship between deconstruction and constructive theology


Special interests: Comparative literary and cultural studies, dance and literature, Peter Hajnóczy's (1942-1981) literary rorks, rhetorical analyses, language philosophy, theological




Main     field: Subject pedagogy of Hungarian language


Research: Linguistic games and exercises; drama pedagogy; prevention of dyslexia


Special interests: craft, folklore games and dances for children

Dr. Tamás LÓZSI PhD

Senior Lecturer

Main fields: Subject pedagogy of Hungarian language; Hungarian language


Research: Rhetoric, the rhetorical bases and practical methods of text comprehension


Special interest: Rhetorical analyses of argumentation

Dr. Hajnalka MERÉNYI


Senior Lecturer

Main fields: Children’s Literature, Literature and the related fields of arts; the improvement of oral competence


Research: Classical and contemporary literature for children, the teaching of literature and the related fields of arts (with a focus on the first half of the 20th century), the improvement of oral competence and correct language usage (the improvement of language competence; orthology)


Special interests: The literature and history of education in the 19th century and the early 20th century;

connected references of women’s history

Dr. M.

Zsombor TÓTH PhD

Senior Lecturer

Main fields: Applied linguistics; applied rhetoric; rhetorical analysis, language and speech cultivation.


Research: Analysing public rhetoric (with focus on the role of metaphors and myths within the Hungarian public and political speeches in the late 20th and in the 21st centuries, applied rhetoric; possible pathways between rhetoric and other social sciences such as political science, text linguistics (e.g. academic writing) or literature (e.g. literary theory, text reading comprehension/analysis); the theory of communication; sociolinguistics.


Special interests: Contemporary literature; English language and literature; creative and academic writing; the theoretical bases and

practical methods of text comprehension; reading

strategies; music (analysing lyrics)



Administrative Assistant