Department of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics

Contact information

Phone: + 36 1 487 8189

Hungarian home page


Teaching activities

The realization of courses in

  • the graduate trainings of future pre-school and primary school teachers (in the fields of mathematics, mathematics education and methodology, elective courses, e.g. Ball Geometry and Soroban.)
  • the post-graduate training of primary school educators.

Research activities

  • The conceptualization of mathematics by pre-school children
  • Thinking and problem-solving
  • Solving word problems
  • Measuring the input and output of our students’ mathematical competence
  • Analysis of digital syllabi
  • The experience and background of the alpha generation; the new role of the teacher in relation to this generation
  • Sustainability education in geography
  • The challenges of teaching mathematics in primary education (from first- to fourth-grade), inclusion, diversity in formation and further education
  • Occurrence of word problems in textbooks, analysis of textbooks, interviews with primary and secondary school teachers






Main professional fields and special activities/interests


Dr. Bagota, Mónika

Associate Professor, Head of Department


Mathematics at an early age, mathematical thinking, mathematical games, diversity in primary teacher education, geometrical activities and games in childhood


Kulman, Katalin

Assistant Lecturer


Development of mathematical thinking, use of technology in maths lesson, environmental concerns in teaching geography, sustainability education


Ökördi, Réka

Assistant Lecturer


Improving mathematical thinking skills of students with low socioeconomic status; improving mathematical thinking skills of students with difficulties in learning maths; the role of mathematical thinking in diagnosis of difficulties in learning maths, the presence or absence of improving mathematical thinking skills in SEN teachers' practice


Pintér, Marianna

Assistant Lecturer


Mathematics at an early age, the Alpha-generation, consequences of early abstraction, the effect of a complex mathematics teaching experiment, digital teaching materials for math lessons, the relationship between the development of language and mathematical skills and their impact on each other's development


Szeibert, Janka

Assistant Lecturer


Implementing retrieval-enhanced learning in classroom settings, achieving long-term knowledge, skills development (via differentiated instruction, board games, etc.), levels of geometrical understanding, modeling mistakes in word problems.


Dr. Szitányi, Judit

Associate Professor, Vice Dean


Mathematics at an early age, probability thinking, word problems, quantitative and mixed research methodology


Zámbó, Csilla

Assistant Lecturer


Implementing retrieval-enhanced learning in classroom settings, achieving long-term knowledge, skills development (via differentiated instruction, board games, etc.), levels of geometrical understanding, modeling mistakes in word problems.