Department of Natural Sciences

Department of Natural Sciences

Department of Natural Sciences

Contact details:

Phone number: 00 36 1 487-8189


Hungarian homepage

The Department’s Main Professional Activities



General training objectives:

- The promotion and support of students’ professional studies in the natural sciences

- the fostering of students’ responsible thinking in reference to the environment and health

- motivating our students to conduct responsible environmental activities

- the development of students’ skills and competences in order to mediate the approach of sustainability and alter public attitudes


  1. Primary School Education /4 academic years/


- the establishment of students’ professional and methodological attitudes towards natural sciences

- enable students to instruct children aged 6-12 years to possess a responsible attitude towards the natural sciences, health and environment

Subject fields of basic education /for all students/:

- Studies of Environmental Sciences

- Practice of Environmental Sciences

- The Methodology of Teaching Environmental Sciences

- Functional Anatomy and Health Studies

Subject fields in additional education /for specialized students/:

- General Natural Geography

- The Methodology of Teaching Natural Sciences

- Interactions in the Nature and Sustainability – practice

- Field Practice and Methodology

- The Natural and Economic Geography of Hungary

- Knowledge and Practice in Botany

- Zoological Knowledge and Practices

- General Biology

- Ecology and the Culture of our Environment

- Health promotion

- Environmental-, Social -, and Economic Sustainability


  1. Pre-School Education /3 academic years/


- the establishment of students’ professional and methodological attitude towards the natural sciences

- to enable students to instruct children aged 3-6 years with the aim of fostering a responsible attitude towards the natural sciences and environment in an age-appropriate way

- to enable students to act as role models for children and families as regards personal behavior and environmental culture

Subject fields:

- Environmental Education I. and II.

- Environmental Education and Methodology

- Functional Anatomy

- Study of Hygiene

Subject fields in additional education /for specialized students/:

- Sustainability Education in Natural Environment

- Sustainability Education in Social Environment

- Sustainability Education in Economical Environment

- Sustainability Education in the Kindergarden Methodology

- Environmental projects

- Sustainability Education in Outdoor Scenes

- Sustainability Education in Practice


  1. Infant and Early Childhood Education /3 academic years/

Objective: to train professionals in providing daily care and education for children aged 0-3 years

Subject fields /Health Sciences/:

- Functional Anatomy

- The Theory and Practice of the Development and Care of Healthy Infants and Young Children

- Paediatrics and Applied Pharmacology;

- The Theory and Practice of Children’s Nursing

- Dietetics

- Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology

- First Aid

- Education in Healthy Lifestyle

- Sustainability Education


Subjects for optional and compulsory course selection:

- Zoopedagogy in Budapest Zoo

- First Aid in Practice

- Be Jane. In Footprints of Dr. Jane Goodall


  1. Further training for active professionals


- Education in Environmental Sustainability with Entertainment

- Kindergarten Educator Specialized in Environmental Education

- Professional Training in Specialized Natural Studies


Main Fields of Research:

Sustainability Education in Early Childhood Research Laboratory


Keywords: education for sustainability, environmental awareness

Research field: natural sciences, pedagogical sciences, sustainability


Brief description:

The main goals for Sustainability Education in Early Childhood Research Laboratory are the following:

- Examining key competencies for students in Infant and Early Childhood Education; Pre-School and Primary School Teacher Training in the field of sustainability. The main focus is to evaluate students’ knowledge and attitudes towards sustainability and how these two factors interact.

- Development and implementation numbers of sensitization projects related to education for sustainability (ESD). The aims of these projects are to improve students’ competencies (e.g. knowledge, skills, attitude) while preparing them to provide quality education in the field of sustainability.

Current Research:

- Assessment of students’ knowledge, attitude and awareness in the field of sustainability via surveys.

- Examination of the effectiveness of sensitization projects.


Health-Conscious Education Research Laboratory

Key words: health development, healthy lifestyle.

Research field: natural sciences, pedagogical sciences.


Brief Description:

The Health-Conscious Education Research Lab at ELTE TÓK’s Department of Natural Sciences was founded with the aim of improving the efficiency of health development in Infant and Early Childhood Education, Pre-School and Primary School Teacher Training. The goal of this research is to establish the factors that can influence health-conscious behaviours in children and therefore play an essential role in developing a sustainable lifestyle.

Current Research:

- Forming health-conscious behaviour in children

- The examination of the lifestyles of our students

- The relationship between physical activity and body shape


Departmental Events

• Earth Day

• Students’ Research Workshop

• Health Day

• World Day of Water

• Field trips

• First Aid

• Diabetes Day

• Day of Nursery





e-mail contact

Main professional fields


Senior Instructor

Natural Studies and Methodology


The Methodology of Environmental Studies

Ms Veronika FÜLÖP


Natural Studies and Environmental Protection

The Theory and Practice of Physics and Chemistry




Functional Anatomy

Health Sciences

Health Improvement

Dr. Erzsébet SZURDOKI PhD

Senior Assistant Professor

Natural Studies and Environmental Protection

Physical and Chemical Basic Knowledge Practice

Natural Interactions and Sustainability Practices


Sustainability Education

Field trips


Senior Instructor

Theory and Practice of the Development and Care of Healthy Infants and Young Children

Theory and Practice of Children’s Nursing


Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology

First Aid

Education in a Healthy Lifestyle

Dr. Gábor Áron VITÁLYOS PhD

Docent, Head of Department

Functional Anatomy


Nature and Environmental Protection

General Physical Geography




General Biology

Sustainability education

Field trips


Senior Assistant Professor

Functional Anatomy

Natural Studies and Methodology


Nature and Environmental Protection

The Methodology of Environmental Studies


Department Assistant

administration, organization